Recipe to a Highly Engaging Article

Views don’t matter, engagement does.

Ankit Singh
5 min readNov 13, 2022
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Online writing is like a roller coaster ride. There are days when your story gets a ton of views and then there are days when your stories can’t even gain 10% of views than what you had expected no matter how much work you put into them.

Although this kind of uncertainty sure makes this journey full of thrills, it eventually can become a big obstacle in keeping your motivation maintained. It’s better to find a way to get past it as soon as you can.

There are several reasons responsible for irregular responses to your stories. For instance:

  • The accounts they are being published by
  • Whether they are being promoted or not
  • How engaging they are

If we talk about Medium, the first two factors don’t matter much. Many small accounts are enjoying tons of views these days thanks to the mysterious algorithm of the platform.

Yes, the third one is the real bet — ‘how engaging they are.’

In simple terms, you can follow a plethora of tips from the top writers but if your stories are not engaging, they will be rejected by the readers.

